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Page 35

Dec 10 2015
I was hoping at least one of my new devices would have arrived today, but it did not. So I probably will not be able to do any testing until Monday.

Just want to follow up on the CE5 with the new coils and I must say, I am impressed. I am using the middle size coil, 1.8 ohm, can't wait to try out the others! So far, I almost have to say it is the best clearomizer I have used for vaping, with the new style coil or atomizer. I am on the third fill, with some of my lower grade oil. On the second fill it leaked a little, only once. After I cleaned it up, it has not leaked since. For whatever reason, this new coil makes the device taste so much better after it is broken in. I was never a fan of the drip tip on the CE5 until now. Big thumbs up to the CE5 with the new model vertical coils.

I believe i have mentioned this previously that vaping is not efficient, it is expensive. I don't believe that to be true anymore. The newer devices seem to be comparable to smoking joints when it comes to efficiency (everybody does have different results). Now, because of the CE5, I am even more excited to try the newer products.

The CE5 has been working awesome with a mechanical vape using the 18490 battery, and 20 and 30 amp high drain batteries. This is with e-cannabis and e-ciggs.

The new high powered mini devices I ordered for vaping, I believe they have all the power necessary for perfected dry bud vaping. It is just a matter of finding the right unit to do it.

Dec 17 2015
Both are great and make everything I previously tested look ancient.

The Joye e-Vic VTC mini is overall the best device, but it may not be the best for your personal preference. I am not sure which one mine is yet.

The Kanger SUBOX Nano (the unit says KBOX Nano) this unit isn't as fancy with all the extra features the Joye e-Vic VTC has, but it is the most slim and petite model. It is very curvy so you can't judge it based on overall dimensions. I like the SUBBOX a lot. I can understand it being someone's favorite based upon personal preference without a doubt. One downside that I don't like is it only goes down to 7 watts. There are atomizers or tanks that require lower wattage. The Joye can easily accommodate those.

These new boxes, vs the older items I have been using, well there is no comparison, these newer devices are awesome. For e-ciggs, I have really been liking the Joye tron tank, it can handle a nice thick liquid. I am not one that likes doing reviews on giant power vapes. I am just a constant vaper, I don't need a huge cloud of vapor. So this tron tank works out pretty well for me. The Joye battery system can do it all and it has all the goodies. You can't go wrong with the VTC and the Tron tank. If you purchase it from my vapor store and you have to get the kit, it will not be a waste of money even if you don't use the tron tank. MVS has great deals.

Now for the SUBOX nano, I decided to use this one for the e-cannabis testing because the clearomizer (atomizer or tank) it comes with, the subtank nano, looked like it would be a better option for a thick e-cannabis liquid. The atomizers are extra large, and there are different types that are available. I first tested the 1.5 ohm and it was the best I ever experienced, but it failed prematurely. I immediately changed it to the 0.5 ohm and continued my testing from there. I have pretty much tested one full tank. I would have to say it has been flawless. You will probably want to change the coil at each tank refill. The subtank OCC vertical coils run $2.99 each. These are a little too intense for me, at least when they are new, even the buzz that follows, along with the expando. I did need to adjust the wattage a few times after the coil broke in. The range was between 17 and 20 watts. (that was for my mixture). I still haven't tried the other type of coils, they are completely different, they range from 1 ohm to 1.2 ohm and are extra large like the vertical ones. I will have to give those a try on my next tank full. If you are looking for the biggest hit, and to get as stoned as possible per hit, then I believe 0.5 ohm OCC vertical coil is the one for you. That will require the Kangar vape, a high power battery like the LG HG2 18650 20 Amp, and some good oil. As long as it is liquid and allow it to absorb into the coils, it should work just fine. I only experimented with lower grade oil, and I believe a higher grade oil would have offered better results.
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Pictured left Kanger SUBOX Nano kit, pictured right, Joye e-Vic VTC with tron tank

Left SUBOX nano coil-extra large compared to a standard size Aspire coil (right)

SUBOX Nano next to bic style lighter

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Dec 22 2015
A little update with the kanger nano and the e-Vic with Tron.

Tron first: Awesome taste, great flavor, great hits. Might I remind you I am not one of those giant draw people. I don't get into the subohm e-ciggs with the huge vapor clouds. A downside with the Tron, every time I go to refill it, it floods. Every time I encounter big temperature changes (cold to warm), it floods. Other than that, it is great, but why I don't want to test it with e-cannabis, the flooding issue.

As for the e-vic, I stand on the same ground. It is the most accurate wide range vape you can get for your money, but I am not a full fan of the boxy feeling, I like it to be more contoured. I have been loving the SUBOX nano. I said screw it and ordered the KBOX mini in platinum color. I am a fan of the stainless steel look. The KBOX is not as small as the SUBOX nano, but it does have the curves. I ordered some tanks and coils to try out too.

As for what I have tried. Good news/bad news. The SUBOX nano is the best I have tried yet, but only with the 0.5 ohm coil. There are coils I have not tried yet though. However, when I used the 1.2 and 1.5 ohm coils, they each failed quickly. The 0.5 ohm coil I did try I am still using and am on the second tank. I have no complaints and it works flawlessly. I set it between 17 and 20 watts.


Continued on Page 36 . . .

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